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How To: Read Primavera PMXML files

Primavera P6 can export data in an XML format known as PMXML.

Reading PMXML files

The simplest way to read a PMXML file is to use the UniversalProjectReader:

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.reader.UniversalProjectReader;

// ...

UniversalProjectReader reader = new UniversalProjectReader();
ProjectFile project ="my-sample.xml");

Using PrimaveraPMFileReader

You can work directly with the PrimaveraPMFileReader by replacing UniversalProjectReader with PrimaveraPMFileReader. This provides access to additional options, as described below.

WBS is Full Path

Currently, the WBS attribute of summary tasks (WBS entities in P6) will be a dot separated hierarchy of all the parent WBS attributes. In this example, root.wbs1.wbs2 is the WBS attribute for wbs2 which has the parents root and wbs1. To disable this behaviour, and simply record the code for the current WBS entry (in the example above wbs2) call the setWbsIsFullPath method, passing in false, as illustrated below.

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraPMFileReader;

// ...

PrimaveraPMFileReader reader = new PrimaveraPMFileReader();

Multiple Projects

A PMXML file can contain multiple projects. By default, MPXJ reads the first non-external project it finds in the file, otherwise it defaults to the first project it finds. You can however use MPXJ to list the projects contained in a PMXML file, as shown below:

import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraPMFileReader;

// ...

PrimaveraPMFileReader reader = new PrimaveraPMFileReader();
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("my-sample.xml");
Map<Integer, String> projects = reader.listProjects(is);
for (Entry<Integer, String> entry : projects.entrySet())
The call to listProjects returns a Map whose key is the project ID, and the values are project short names.

Once you have decided which of these projects you want to work with, you can call setProjectID to tell the reader which project to open, as shown below.

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraPMFileReader;

// ...

PrimaveraPMFileReader reader = new PrimaveraPMFileReader();
ProjectFile file ="my-sample.xml");

Alternatively you can ask MPXJ to read all the projects contained in the file:

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraPMFileReader;

// ...

PrimaveraPMFileReader reader = new PrimaveraPMFileReader();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("my-sample.xml");
List<ProjectFile> files = reader.readAll(is);

The call to the readAll method returns a list of ProjectFile instances corresponding to the projects in the PMXML file.

A PMXML file can contain multiple projects with relations between activities which span those projects. By default, these cross-project relations are ignored. However, if you set the linkCrossProjectRelations reader attribute to true, MPXJ will attempt to link these relations across projects:

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraPMFileReader;

// ...

PrimaveraPMFileReader reader = new PrimaveraPMFileReader();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("my-sample.xml");
List<ProjectFile> files = reader.readAll(is);


Users can export PMXML files from P6 which contain the baseline project along with the main project being exported. When the readAll method is used to read a PMXML file, MPXJ will attempt to populate the baseline fields of the main project if it can locate the baseline project in the PMXML file.

By default the "Planned Dates" strategy is used to populate baseline fields, which is the approach P6 uses when the "Earned Value Calculation" method is set to "Budgeted values with planned dates".

PrimaveraPMFileReader provides a method allowing the strategy to be changed, thus allowing you to select the "Current Dates" strategy, which is the approach used by P6 when the Earned Value Calculation method is set to "At Completion values with current dates" or "Budgeted values with current dates". The example below illustrates how this method is used:

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraBaselineStrategy;
import net.sf.mpxj.primavera.PrimaveraPMFileReader;

// ...

PrimaveraPMFileReader reader = new PrimaveraPMFileReader();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("my-sample.xml");
List<ProjectFile> files = reader.readAll(is);