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How To: Use Calendars

Calendars are the foundation on which schedules are built. They determine when work can be carried out, and when work is not possible. Given some tasks we need to plan, and knowing how much work each task will require, a calendar can be used to decide when work on each task could start and how much elapsed time will be required to complete the tasks.

Calendars in MPXJ

Let's see how calendars work in MPXJ. First let's try creating one. As it happens, the ProjectFile class provides a convenience method addDefaultBaseCalendar to create a default calendar. The calendar it creates is modelled on the Standard calendar you'd see in Microsoft Project if you created a new project. This default calendar defines Monday to Friday as working days, with 8 working hours each day (8am to noon, then 1pm to 5pm).

ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();
ProjectCalendar calendar = file.addDefaultBaseCalendar();
System.out.println("The calendar name is " + calendar.getName());

As you can see from the code above, the calendar also has a name which we can set to distinguish between different calendars.

Working Days

Let's see what the calendar can tell us. First we'll use the DayOfWeek enumeration to retrieve the working/non-working state for each day.

for (DayOfWeek day : DayOfWeek.values()) {
   String dayType = calendar.getCalendarDayType(day).toString();
   System.out.println(day + " is a " + dayType + " day");

Running the code shown above will produce output like this:


We can use the setWorkingDay method to change our pattern of working day. Let's make Saturday a working day for our team, and make Monday a non-working day to compensate.

calendar.setWorkingDay(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, true);
calendar.setWorkingDay(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, false);

Now if we use the loop we saw previously to inspect the week days, we'll see this output:


Working Hours

So far, all we have done is set a flag which tells us whether a day is working or non-working. How do we know the working times on those days? We can use the getCalendarHours method to find that information.

The getCalendarHours method returns a List of LocalTimeRange instances. LocalTimeRange is a simple immutable class which represents a span of time between a start time and an end time as an inclusive range. Let's try printing these LocalTimeRange instances to our output to see what we get:

List<LocalTimeRange> hours = calendar.getCalendarHours(DayOfWeek.TUESDAY);

Here's the output:

[LocalTimeRange start=08:00 end=12:00]
[LocalTimeRange start=13:00 end=17:00]

Let's add a method to format the hours of a day a little more concisely for display:

private String formatLocalTimeRanges(List<LocalTimeRange> hours) {
      .map(h -> h.getStart() + "-" + h.getEnd())
      .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

So now our output looks like this:

08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

Let's use this method to take a look at the whole week again:

for (DayOfWeek day : DayOfWeek.values()) {
   String dayType = calendar.getCalendarDayType(day).toString();
      + " is a " + dayType + " day ("
      + formatLocalTimeRanges(calendar.getCalendarHours(day)) + ")");

Here's the output:

TUESDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
WEDNESDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
THURSDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
FRIDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)

The one thing we're missing now is that although we have set Saturday to be a working day, it doesn't have any working hours. MPXJ has some constants which can be used to help us add some working hours:

hours = calendar.getCalendarHours(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY);

Now when we examine our week this is what we see:

TUESDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
WEDNESDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
THURSDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
FRIDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)
SATURDAY is a WORKING day (08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00)

The version of MPXJ at the time of writing (12.0.0) has a limitation that if setCalendarDayType is used to make a day into a working day, we don't automatically add working hours for it. This behaviour is likely to change with the next major version of MPXJ.

What if we want to supply some working hours different from the defaults we've used so far? To set our own working hours we just need to create as many LocalTimeRange instances as we need using a pair of LocalTime instances for each one to represent the start and end times.

LocalTime startTime = LocalTime.of(9, 0);
LocalTime finishTime = LocalTime.of(14, 30);
hours = calendar.getCalendarHours(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY);
hours.add(new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime));

Now when we look at the working hours for Saturday, this is what we see:

SATURDAY is a WORKING day (09:00-14:30)

Now we've seen how we can create our own ranges of working time for a day, let's tackle a slightly more challenging case: dealing with midnight. Our first step is to take a look at the actual amount of working time we've set up on Saturday. To do this we call the getWork method, as shown below.

Duration duration = calendar.getWork(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, TimeUnit.HOURS);

This getWork method determines the total amount of work on the given day, and returns this in the format we specify. In this case we've asked for hours, and we'll be receiving the result as a Duration object. Duration simply combines the duration amount with an instance of the TimeUnit enumeration so we always know the units of the duration amount.

Running the code above give us this output:


As you can see, the toString method of Duration give us a nicely formatted result, complete with an abbreviation for the units.

Let's try to change Saturday to be 24 hour working. First we'll configure a midnight to midnight date range:

startTime = LocalTime.MIDNIGHT;
finishTime = LocalTime.MIDNIGHT;
hours.add(new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime));

This looks reasonable:


Now let's see how much work this represents:

duration = calendar.getWork(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, TimeUnit.HOURS);

So we have our 24 hours of work on Saturday!


After working a few of these 24 hour days on Saturdays, we might be in need of a vacation! How can we add this to our calendar?

So far we've been working with the DayOfWeek class to make changes to days of the week, rather than any specific date. Now we'll need to work with a specific date, and add an "exception" for this date. The terminology here can be slightly confusing when coming from a programming background, but the term exception is often used by scheduling applications in the context of making ad-hoc adjustments to a calendar.

LocalDate exceptionDate = LocalDate.of(2022, 5, 10);

boolean workingDate = calendar.isWorkingDate(exceptionDate);
System.out.println(exceptionDate + " is a "
   + (workingDate ? "working" : "non-working") + " day");

In the code above we're creating a LocalDate instance to represent the date we want to add an exception for. The code uses the isWorkingDate method to determine whether or not the given date is a working day. Before we add the exception, here's the output we get:

2022-05-10 is a working day

Now we can create our exception.

ProjectCalendarException exception = calendar.addCalendarException(exceptionDate);
exception.setName("A day off");

The code above illustrates adding an exception for a single day. The code above also shows that optionally an exception can be named, this can make it easier to understand the purpose of each exception. Now if we re-run our code which displays whether our chosen date is a working day, this is what we see:

2022-05-10 is a non-working day

We have successfully added an exception to turn this date into a day off!

Perhaps we were being a little too generous in giving ourselves the entire day off, perhaps in this case we should make this a half day instead. To do that, we just need to add a time range to the exception:

startTime = LocalTime.of(8, 0);
finishTime = LocalTime.of(12, 0);
exception.add(new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime));

Now if we look at our chosen date, this is what we see:

2022-05-10 is a working day

Let's take a closer look at what's happening on that day:

System.out.println("Working time on Tuesdays is normally "
   + calendar.getWork(DayOfWeek.TUESDAY, TimeUnit.HOURS) + " but on "
   + exceptionDate + " it is "
   + calendar.getWork(exceptionDate, TimeUnit.HOURS));

The code above shows how we use the getWork method which takes a DayOfWeek as an argument to look at what the default working hours are on a Tuesday, then we use the getWork method which takes a LocalDate instance as an argument to see what's happening on the specific Tuesday of our exception. Here's the output we get:

Working time on Tuesdays is normally 8.0h but on 2022-05-10 it is 4.0h

We can see the effect of adding a LocalTimeRange to our exception: we've gone from an exception which changes a working day into a non-working day to an exception which just changes the number of working hours in the day. This same approach can be used to change a date which falls on a day that's typically non-working (for example a Sunday) into a working day, just by adding an exception with some working hours.

We can also use a single exception to affect a number of days. First let's write a little code to see the number of working hours over a range of days:

private void dateDump(ProjectCalendar calendar, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate)
   for (LocalDate date = startDate; date.isBefore(endDate); date = date.plusDays(1)) {
      System.out.println(date + "\t" + calendar.getWork(date, TimeUnit.HOURS));

Running this code with our calendar as its stands produces this output for the example week we're using:

2022-05-23  0.0h
2022-05-24  8.0h
2022-05-25  8.0h
2022-05-26  8.0h
2022-05-27  8.0h

Let's add an exception which covers Tuesday to Thursday that week (24th to 26th), and changes the working hours, so there are now only four hours of work per day (9am to 12pm):

LocalDate exceptionStartDate = LocalDate.of(2022, 5, 24);
LocalDate exceptionEndDate = LocalDate.of(2022, 5, 26);
exception = calendar.addCalendarException(exceptionStartDate, exceptionEndDate);
startTime = LocalTime.of(9, 0);
finishTime = LocalTime.of(13, 0);
exception.add(new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime));

Here we can see that we're using a different version of the addCalendarException method which takes a start and an end date, rather that just a single date. Running our code again to print out the working hours for each day now gives us this output:

2022-05-23  0.0h
2022-05-24  4.0h
2022-05-25  4.0h
2022-05-26  4.0h
2022-05-27  8.0h

As we can see, we've changed multiple days with this single exception.

Working Weeks

So far we've looked at using ProjectCalendarException, which can make one change (add working hours, change working hours, or make days non-working) and apply that change to one day or a contiguous range of days. What if we want to make more complex changes to the working pattern of a calendar?

Let's imagine that our project has a three week "crunch" period at the beginning of October where we will need to work 16 hour days, Monday through Friday, and 8 hour days at weekends. (I hope this is a fictional example and you'd don't have to work at such a high intensity in real life!). We could construct this work pattern using exceptions: we'd need six in total, one for each of the three sets of weekend days, and one for each of the three sets of week days.

An alternative way to do this is to set up a new working week, using the ProjectCalendarWeek class. "Working Week" is perhaps a slightly misleading name, as a ProjectCalendarWeek can be set up for an arbitrary range of dates, from a few days to many weeks. What it represents is the pattern of working an non-working time over the seven days of a week, and this pattern is applied from the start to the end of the date range we configure.

The ProjectCalendar we've been working with so far is actually already a form of working week (they share a common parent class). The main differences between the two are that a ProjectCalendarWeek allows us to specify the range of dates over which it is effective, and a ProjectCalendarWeek does not have exceptions: exceptions are only added to a ProjectCalendar.

For a fresh start, we'll create a new ProjectCalendar instance. With this we'll add a new working week definition and give it a name, to make it easily identifiable. Now we'll set the dates for which this work pattern is valid (in this case the first three weeks of October). Finally we mark every day as a working day. Here's how our example looks in code:

LocalDate weekStart = LocalDate.of(2022, 10, 1);
LocalDate weekEnd = LocalDate.of(2022, 10, 21);
calendar = file.addDefaultBaseCalendar();
ProjectCalendarWeek week = calendar.addWorkWeek();
week.setName("Crunch Time!");
week.setDateRange(new LocalDateRange(weekStart, weekEnd)); -> week.setWorkingDay(d, true));

Next we can set up our weekend 9am to 5pm working pattern:

startTime = LocalTime.of(9, 0);
finishTime = LocalTime.of(17, 0);
LocalTimeRange weekendHours = new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime);
Stream.of(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)
   .forEach(d -> week.addCalendarHours(d).add(weekendHours));

Finally we can set up our weekday 5am to 9pm pattern:

startTime = LocalTime.of(5, 0);
finishTime = LocalTime.of(21, 0);
LocalTimeRange weekdayHours = new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime);
Stream.of(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, DayOfWeek.TUESDAY, DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY,
      DayOfWeek.THURSDAY, DayOfWeek.FRIDAY)
   .forEach(d -> week.addCalendarHours(d).add(weekdayHours));

As ProjectCalendar and ProjectCalendarWeek are both derived from the same parent class, we can use the same code we did previously to examine how our new ProjectCalendarWeek instance looks:

MONDAY is a WORKING day (05:00-21:00)
TUESDAY is a WORKING day (05:00-21:00)
WEDNESDAY is a WORKING day (05:00-21:00)
THURSDAY is a WORKING day (05:00-21:00)
FRIDAY is a WORKING day (05:00-21:00)
SATURDAY is a WORKING day (09:00-17:00)
SUNDAY is a WORKING day (09:00-17:00)

To see the effect that our new working week has had on the calendar, let's first take a look at the week running up to the start of our crunch period. Using the same code we worked with previously to present working hours for a range of dates we see this output:

2022-09-24  0.0h
2022-09-25  0.0h
2022-09-26  8.0h
2022-09-27  8.0h
2022-09-28  8.0h
2022-09-29  8.0h
2022-09-30  8.0h

So starting from Saturday 24th we can see that we have that standard working pattern: weekends are non-working (zero working hours), and week days have 8 hours of working time.

Now let's look at the first week of our crunch period:

2022-10-01  8.0h
2022-10-02  8.0h
2022-10-03  16.0h
2022-10-04  16.0h
2022-10-05  16.0h
2022-10-06  16.0h
2022-10-07  16.0h

We can see that the crunch is in full effect, we're working 8 hour days at the weekend, and 16 hour days for the rest of the week - not something I'd like to try for any length of time!

To summarise: the ProjectCalendar instance itself defines the default working and non-working pattern for the seven week days. Additional working weeks can be added to the calendar which override this pattern for specific date ranges.

Recurring Exceptions

So far we've seen how exceptions can be used to override the default working pattern established by a calendar for either a single day, or for a contiguous range of days. We've also seen how an entirely new seven-day working pattern can be applied across a range of dates by using working weeks. But what if we want to represent a regularly occurring exception which will change our default working pattern such as, for example, Christmas Day or Thanksgiving? To deal with this we can use recurring exceptions.

A recurring exception can be created simply by passing an instance of RecurringData to the addCalendarException method.

RecurringData recurringData = new RecurringData();
exception = calendar.addCalendarException(recurringData);

Let's create a simple recurence for 1st January for five years:

recurringData.setStartDate(LocalDate.of(2023, 1, 1));

The toString method on the RecurringData class tries to describe the recurrence as best it can, here's the output we'll see from the code above:

[RecurringData Yearly on the 1 January From 2023-01-01 For 5 occurrences]

The example above shows a very simple configuration. Full details of how to use RecurringData are provided elsewhere as they are beyond the scope of this section.

Before we move on from recurring exceptions, one useful feature of the ProjectCalendarException class is the getExpandedExceptions method. This will convert a recurring exception into a list of individual exceptions representing each date or range of dates the recurring exception will affect the calendar. You may find this useful if you need to display or pass this data on for consumption elsewhere.

Calendar Hierarchies

Now we've seen how to set up an individual calendar, perhaps we could go ahead and create calendars for all of the people who will be working on our project? What we'd quickly find is that a considerable amount of the information in each calendar will be the same: the same working week pattern, the same public holidays and so on. We could set all of this up programmatically of course, but wouldn't it be great if we could change this kind of detail in just one place, and have all of our other calendars inherit it?

Creating a Calendar Hierarchy

As it happens, we can do this as our calendars can be organised into a hierarchy, with each "child" calendar inheriting its configuration from a "parent" calendar and overriding that configuration as required rather like a class hierarchy in a programing language). This will allow us to have one shared "base" calendar for everyone, with derived calendars used for individuals on our team where we need to add variation, for example personal vacation time and so on.

ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();
ProjectCalendar parentCalendar = file.addDefaultBaseCalendar();
LocalDate christmasDay = LocalDate.of(2023, 12, 25);

In the example above we've used the familiar addDefaultBaseCalendar method to create a simple calendar, and called addCalendarException to add an exception for Christmas Day 2023.

ProjectCalendar childCalendar = file.addDefaultDerivedCalendar();
System.out.println(christmasDay + " is a working day: "
   + childCalendar.isWorkingDate(christmasDay));

Now we've created childCalendar, using a method we've not seen before, addDefaultBaseCalendar (we'll talk about this method in more detail in a minute), and we've used the new calendar's setParent method to attach parentCalendar as its parent. We can see the effect of this when we check to see if Christmas Day 2023 is a working day. This is a Monday so by default it will be a working day, but as childCalendar is inheriting from parentCalendar it picks up the exception defined in parentCalendar and makes Christmas Day a non-working day.

Here's the output when our code is executed:

2023-12-25 is a working day: false

We can also do the same thing with day types:

parentCalendar.setCalendarDayType(DayOfWeek.TUESDAY, DayType.NON_WORKING);
System.out.println("Is " + DayOfWeek.TUESDAY + " a working day: "
   + childCalendar.isWorkingDay(DayOfWeek.TUESDAY));

In the example above we've set Tuesday to be a non-working day in the parent calendar, and we can see that this is inherited by the child calendar. Here's the output we see when we execute our code:

Is TUESDAY a working day: false

So what's special about the "derived calendar" we've just created (childCalendar), why is it different to the normal calendar, and what's the difference between the addDefaultBaseCalendar and addDefaultDerivedCalendar methods?

The answer to this question lies in the DayType enumeration. Let's take a look at the day types for parentCalendar.


So far so good, we have a mixture of working an non-working days, and we can see that as part of our last example we set Tuesday to be a non-working day. Now let's take a look at childCalendar:


Ah-ha! Here we can see that the DayType enumeration actually has a third value alongside WORKING and NON_WORKING: DEFAULT. The DEFAULT value simply means that we should inherit the parent calendar's settings for this particular day: so whether the day is working, non-working, what the working hours are, and so on.

We can override the day type we're inheriting from the base calendar:

childCalendar.setCalendarDayType(DayOfWeek.TUESDAY, DayType.WORKING);
LocalTime startTime = LocalTime.of(9, 0);
LocalTime finishTime = LocalTime.of(12, 30);
   .add(new LocalTimeRange(startTime, finishTime));

In the code above we're explicitly setting Tuesday to be a working day, rather than inheriting the settings for Tuesday from the parent calendar, then we're adding the working hours we want for Tuesday.

Earlier we said we come back and look at the addDefaultDerivedCalendar method in a little more detail. The main difference between addDefaultDerivedCalendar and addDefaultBaseCalendar is that the calendar created by addDefaultDerivedCalendar has no working hours defined, and all day types are set to DEFAULT so everything is inherited from the parent calendar.

Working with a Calendar Hierarchy

In general when working with a calendar hierarchy, if we use a calendar to determine working/non-working time, working hours, and so on for a given date, anything configured in a child calendar will always override what we find in the parent calendar. So for example if we have exceptions or working weeks configured in a child calendar, these will override anything found in a parent calendar.

If we're asking the calendar a question about a particular day (rather than a date), for example Monday, Tuesday and so on, we'll use information from the child calendar if the day type is WORKING or NON_WORKING, otherwise we'll work our way up the calendar hierarchy until we find the first ancestor calendar which does not specify the day type as DEFAULT, and we'll use the configuration for the day in question from that calendar.

This brings us on to an interesting question: how do we know if we ask the calendar for a piece of information, whether that's come from the calendar whose method we've just called, or if the response we've received has come from another calendar somewhere further up the calendar hierarchy?

As it happens there are only a small number of attributes for which this is relevant. These are summarised by the table below.

Attribute Set Get Get with Hierarchy
Day Type setCalendarDayType getCalendarDayType getDayType
Hours addCalendarHours getCalendarHours getHours
Minutes Per Day setCalendarMinutesPerDay getCalendarMinutesPerDay getMinutesPerDay
Minutes Per Week setCalendarMinutesPerWeek getCalendarMinutesPerWeek getMinutesPerWeek
Minutes Per Month setCalendarMinutesPerMonth getCalendarMinutesPerMonth getMinutesPerWeek
Minutes Per Year setCalendarMinutesPerYear getCalendarMinutesPerYear getMinutesPerYear

The first column give us the name of the attribute, and the second column give the name of the method we'd call to set that attribute for the current calendar. The third column gives us the name of the method we'd use to retrieve the attribute from the current calendar only (i.e this will ignore any parent calendars). Finally the last column gives us the name of the method we'd call to retrieve the attribute from the current calendar, or inherit that attribute from a parent calendar if it is not present in the current calendar.

We haven't looked at the Minutes Per X attributes so far. The values they contain are used when calculating working time. One interesting point to note is that if no calendars in a hierarchy define these values the default values will be retrieved from from the ProjectFile configuration, which is represented by the ProjectConfig class.

How deep is your Hierarchy?

MPXJ will allow you to create an arbitrarily deep hierarchy of calendars if you wish by establishing parent-child relationships between the calendars you create. Most schedule application file formats will only support a limited hierarchy of calendars, which you will see when you read files of this type when using MPXJ. The notes below briefly outlines how calendar hierarchies operate in some of the applications MPXJ can work with.

If you are using MPXJ to create or modify schedule data, when you write the results to a file MPXJ will attempt to ensure that the calendars it writes to the file format you have chosen reflect what the target application is expecting. This means that MPXJ may end up "flattening" or otherwise simplifying a set of calendars and their hierarchy to ensure that they are read correctly by the target application and are "functionally equivalent" in use.

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project uses two tiers of calendars. The first tier of calendars are referred to as "base calendars", one of which is marked as the default calendar for the project. Work is scheduled based on the default calendar, unless a task explicitly selects a different base calendar to use when being scheduled, or resources with their own calendars have been assigned to the task. Each resource will have its own calendar, which is always derived from a base calendar.

Note that, as you might expect, material resources don't have a calendar!

Primavera P6

The situation with P6 is a little more complicated, although it's still a two tier arrangement. P6 has the concept of Global calendars (broadly similar to base calendars in Microsoft Project). These can be assigned to activities in any project. Global calendars are never derived from other calendars.

You can also have Project calendars which, as their name suggests, can only be assigned to activities in the project to which they belong. Project calendars can be derived from a Global Calendar, or they can have no parent calendar.

Finally you can have two types of resource calendar: Shared, or Personal. These can either be derived from a Global calendar, or can have no parent. A Shared resource calendar can be assigned to multiple resources, but a Personal resource calendar can only be assigned to a single resource.

When reading a P6 schedule, the ProjectCalendar method getType can be used to retrieve the calendar type (Global, Shared, or Personal), while the getPersonal method returns a Boolean flag indicating if the calendar is a Personal resource calendar.


ConceptDraw, Planner, SureTrak and TurboProject all support some form of calendar hierarchy, although Planner is the only one which definitely supports an arbitrarily deep nested calendar structure.

Calendar Container

So far we've looked at creating and configuring calendars, and lining them together in a hierarchy. If we've just read a schedule in from a file, how can we examine the calendars it contains? Let's set up some calendars and take a look:

ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();
ProjectCalendar calendar1 = file.addCalendar();
calendar1.setName("Calendar 1");

ProjectCalendar calendar2 = file.addCalendar();
calendar2.setName("Calendar 2");

ProjectCalendar calendar3 = file.addCalendar();
calendar3.setName("Calendar 3");

Our sample code above creates three calendars, each with a distinct name. To see what calendars our file contains we can use the ProjectFile method getCalendars:

file.getCalendars().forEach(c -> System.out.println(c.getName()));

Which gives us the following output, as we'd expect:

Calendar 1
Calendar 2
Calendar 3

The getCalendars method returns an object which implements the List<ProjectCalendar> interface, but it also does more for us than just that. The actual object being returned is a ProjectCalendarContainer, which is in charge of managing the calendars in the file and making it easy to access them.

The typical way this is done is through the use of the calendar's Unique ID attribute. Each calendar has an Integer Unique ID, typically this is read as part of the calendar information from a schedule file, or if you are creating a schedule yourself, the default is for the Unique ID to be automatically populated. Let's see:

file.getCalendars().forEach(c -> System.out.println(c.getName()
   + " (Unique ID: " + c.getUniqueID() + ")"));

Here's what we get:

Calendar 1 (Unique ID: 1)
Calendar 2 (Unique ID: 2)
Calendar 3 (Unique ID: 3)

Let's use a Unique ID to retrieve a calendar:

ProjectCalendar calendar = file.getCalendars().getByUniqueID(2);

Here's the result of running this code:

Calendar 2

The ProjectCalendarContainer class also allows us to retrieve calendars by name, although that's not recommended as MPXJ doesn't enforce presence or uniqueness constraints on calendar names.

Most of the time accessing a calendar from some other part of MPXJ is handled for you, for example to retrieve a resource's calendar you just need to call the Resource method getCalendar rather than having to use ProjectCalendarContainer to retrieve it by Unique ID.

Calendar Relationships

The ProjectCalendar class provides a variety of methods to allow us to explore how it relates to other calendars and the rest of the schedule.

As we've been discussing the hierarchy of calendars, the first method we can try is isDerived, which will return true if this calendar has been derived from a parent calendar. Alongside this we can also use the getParent method to retrieve this calendar's parent. We can traverse a hierarchy of calendars using this method until getParent returns null at which point we know we have reached a "base" calendar and can go no further.

Calendars can also be assigned to both Tasks and Resources. The getTasks and getResources methods will each retrieve a list of the tasks and resources which explicitly use this calendar.

Finally, earlier in this section we mentioned the idea of the default calendar for a project. We can set or retrieve the default calendar using the ProjectFile methods setDefaultCalendar and getDefaultCalendar, as illustrated below.

ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();
ProjectCalendar calendar = file.addDefaultBaseCalendar();
System.out.println("The default calendar name is "
   + file.getDefaultCalendar().getName());

As the name suggests, the default calendar will be used for all date, time, duration and work calculations if no other calendar has been assigned explicitly.