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How To: Use Fields

Once you've read a schedule using MPXJ, and you have a ProjectFile instance with tasks, resources and resource assignments, how do you access the data represented as fields in each of these entities? If you're creating or updating a schedule, how can you assign values to fields? This section explains the different approaches you can take in each of these cases.

Setter and Getter Methods

Let's start by creating a task we can use to demonstrate some of these approaches:

ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();
Task task = file.addTask();

When you already know exactly which field you need to access, you can work with the data these fields contain in a type-safe way by using the setter and getter methods provided by each class, for example:

task.setName("Task 1");

String name = task.getName();
System.out.println("Task name: " + name);

Here's the output from the sample code:

Task name: Task 1

Here we can see that we are able to set the name of the task using a String, and when we call the getter method we'll be returned the name as a String. How about working with a field that has a type other than a String?

LocalDateTime startDate = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 5, 10, 8, 0);

System.out.println("Start date: " + task.getStart());

Here's the output from the sample code:

Start date: 2022-05-10T08:00

We're setting and retrieving the task's start date using a LocalDateTime instance. For almost all of the fields supported by tasks, resources, and resource assignments you'll find a pair of getter and setter methods allowing you to access and modify the field with a convenient type safe interface.

Field Enumerations

What if we don't know ahead of time which fields we need to access? For example, what if our application allows users to choose which fields to display for each task? In this case we can use a data-driven approach to read and write fields, as shown in the example below.

task = file.addTask();
task.set(TaskField.NAME, "Task 2");

name = (String)task.get(TaskField.NAME);
System.out.println("Task name: " + name);

startDate = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 5, 11, 8, 0);
task.set(TaskField.START, startDate);

System.out.println("Start date: " + task.getStart());

Here's the output from this sample code:

Task name: Task 2
Start date: 2022-05-11T08:00

What are the TaskField values in the example above? TaskField is an enumeration representing all of the fields of a Task instance. This type of enumeration is not unique to tasks, there are four main enumerations available:

  • ProjectField: fields available from ProjectProperties
  • ResourceField: fields available from a Resource
  • TaskField: fields available from a Task
  • AssignmentField: fields available from a ResourceAssignment

The ProjectProperties, Resource, Task and ResourceAssignment classes noted above actually all implement the FieldContainer interface. This is the interface that gives us the get and set methods we've seen in the examples above. FieldContainer also provides us with one more interesting method: getCachedValue. What is this, and why is it different to the get method? Let's take a step back and look at calculated values to understand where getCachedValue fits in.

Calculated Fields

Some of the fields available from each of these classes can actually contain a calculated value. For example: the Task field "Start Variance" represents the difference between the Baseline Start date and the Start date of a task. Some schedules may provide this value for us when we read the data they contain, others may not. If we don't have this value when we read our schedule data, but we do have a Baseline Start and Start date available to us, then we can perform the calculation ourselves to produce the Start Variance value. The example below illustrates this:

// Set up the sample project
ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();

// We need at least a default calendar to calculate variance

// Create tasks
Task task1 = file.addTask();
Task task2 = file.addTask();

// Set up example dates
LocalDateTime baselineStart = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 5, 1, 8, 0);
LocalDateTime startDate = LocalDateTime.of(2022,5, 10, 8, 0);

// Update task1 using methods

// Update task2 using TaskField enumeration
task2.set(TaskField.START, startDate);
task2.set(TaskField.BASELINE_START, baselineStart);

// Show the variance being retrieved by method and TaskField enumeration
System.out.println("Task 1");
System.out.println("Start Variance from method: "
   + task1.getStartVariance());
System.out.println("Start Variance from get: "
   + task1.get(TaskField.START_VARIANCE));

System.out.println("Task 2");
System.out.println("Start Variance from method: "
   + task2.getStartVariance());
System.out.println("Start Variance from get: "
   + task2.get(TaskField.START_VARIANCE));

Here's the output from running this code:

Task 1
Start Variance from method: 6.0d
Start Variance from get: 6.0d

Task 2
Start Variance from method: 6.0d
Start Variance from get: 6.0d

Regardless of how we set up the data, both the getStartVariance method and the call to get(TaskField.START_VARIANCE) trigger the calculation and produce the expected Start Variance value.

Rather than immediately discarding the Start Variance value we've just calculated, this value is cached as part of the data held by the task, and will be returned next time we use the getStartVariance method or we call get(TaskField.START_VARIANCE).

Cached Values

The getCachedValue method allows us to retrieve a field without attempting to calculate a value. It's not a method you'd normally expect to use, but it's worth mentioning for completeness. Let's take a look at this using a new example:

// Set up the sample project with a default calendar
ProjectFile file = new ProjectFile();

// Set up example dates
LocalDateTime baselineStart = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 5, 1, 8, 0);
LocalDateTime startDate = LocalDateTime.of(2022,5, 10, 8, 0);

// Create a task
Task task = file.addTask();

System.out.println("Start Variance using getCachedValue(): " 
   + task.getCachedValue(TaskField.START_VARIANCE));
System.out.println("Start Variance using get(): " 
   + task.get(TaskField.START_VARIANCE));
System.out.println("Start Variance using getCachedValue(): " 
   + task.getCachedValue(TaskField.START_VARIANCE));

The output from this code is:

Start Variance using getCachedValue(): null
Start Variance using get(): 6.0d
Start Variance using getCachedValue(): 6.0d

What we can see happening here is that using the getCachedValue method initially returns null as the Start Variance is not present, and MPXJ doesn't attempt to calculate it. When we use the get method, MPXJ sees that it doesn't have a value for this field and knows how to calculate it, and returns the expected result. Finally if we use the getCachedValue method again, as we've now calculated this value and cached it, the method returns the Start Variance.

In summary, getCachedValue will never attempt to calculate values for fields which are not already present. This can be useful if you want to read a schedule using MPXJ, but retrieve only the fields which were in the original schedule, not calculated or inferred by MPXJ.


Earlier in this section we noted that there were four main enumerations representing the fields which particular classes can contain.

  • ProjectField
  • ResourceField
  • TaskField
  • AssignmentField

What I didn't mention then is that each of these enumerations implements the FieldType interface which defines a common set of methods for each of these enumerations. The most interesting of these methods are:

  • name()
  • getName()
  • getFieldTypeClass()
  • getDataType()

The name() method retrieves the name of the enumeration value exactly as it appears in the code. The getName() method returns a localized version of the name, suitable for display to end users (currently English is the default and only supported locale).

The getFieldTypeClass() method returns a value from the FieldTypeClass enumeration which will help you to determine which kind of object this FieldType belongs to (for example task, resource, and so on). Finally the getDataType() method will return a value from the DataType enumeration which indicates the data type you will receive from the get method when accessing this field, and the type to pass to the set method when updating the field.

Here's some example code to make this a little clearer:

FieldType type = TaskField.START_VARIANCE;

System.out.println("name(): " +;
System.out.println("getName(): " + type.getName());
System.out.println("getFieldTypeClass(): " + type.getFieldTypeClass());
System.out.println("getDataType():" + type.getDataType());

In this case we're using the Task Start Variance field as an example. Here's the output:

getName(): Start Variance
getFieldTypeClass(): TASK
getDataType(): DURATION

Returning to our earlier example of how we might allow a user to select fields we will display, we can use the data type of the selected field to determine how we format the value for display.

private String getValueAsText(FieldContainer container, FieldType type)
    Object value = container.get(type);
    if (value == null)
        return "";

    String result;
    switch (type.getDataType())
        case CURRENCY:
            result = new DecimalFormat("£0.00").format(value);

        case DATE:
            result = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy").format((LocalDateTime)value);

        case BOOLEAN:
            result = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() ? "Yes" : "No";

            result = value.toString();

    return result;

The sample code above implements a generic method which can work with any class implementing the FieldContainer interface (for example, Task, Resource and so on). Given the particular field the user has asked us to display (passed in via the type argument), we retrieve the value from the container as an Object, then use the data type to decide how best to format the value for display. (This is obviously a contrived example - I wouldn't recommend creating new instances of DecimalFormat and DateTimeFormatter each time you need to format a value!)

Custom Fields

So far we've seen how simple fields like Name and Start can be accessed and modified using both field-specific and generic methods. Name and Start are examples of standard fields which might be provided and managed by schedule applications, and have a well understood meaning. What if we have some additional data we want to capture in our schedule, but that data doesn't fit into any of these standard fields?

Microsoft Project's solution to this problem is Custom Fields. By default Microsoft Project provides a number of general purpose fields with names like "Text 1", "Text 2", "Date 1", "Date 2" and so on, which can be used to relevant vales as part of the schedule. If we look for methods like setText1 or setDate1 we won't find them, so how can we work with these fields?

The answer is quite straightforward, for each of these custom fields you'll find getter and setter methods which take an integer value, for example:

task.setText(1, "This is Text 1");
String text1 = task.getText(1);
System.out.println("Text 1 is: " + text1);

If you're working with the generic get and set methods, the situation is more straightforward as each individual field has its own enumeration, as shown below:

task.set(TaskField.TEXT1, "This is also Text 1");
text1 = (String)task.get(TaskField.TEXT1);
System.out.println("Text 1 is: " + text1);

For Task, Resource and ResourceAssignment the following custom fields are available for use:

  • Cost 1-10
  • Date 1-10
  • Duration 1-10
  • Flag 1-20
  • Finish 1-10
  • Number 1-20
  • Start 1-10
  • Text 1-30
  • Outline Code 1-10 (Task and Resource only)

Microsoft Project allows users to configure custom fields. This facility can be used to do something as simple as provide an alias for the field, allowing it to be displayed with a meaningful name rather than something like "Text 1" or "Date 1". Alternatively there are more complex configurations available, for example constraining the values that can be entered for a field by using a lookup table, or providing a mask to enforce a particular format.

Information about custom field configurations can be obtained from the CustomFieldsContainer. The sample code below provides a simple illustration of how we can query this data.

ProjectFile file = new UniversalProjectReader().read("example.mpp");

CustomFieldContainer container = file.getCustomFields();
for (CustomField field : container)
    FieldType type = field.getFieldType();
    String typeClass = type.getFieldTypeClass().toString();
    String typeName =;
    String alias = field.getAlias();
    System.out.println(typeClass + "." + typeName + "\t" + alias);

Depending on how the custom fields in your schedule are configured, you'll see output like this:

TASK.TEXT1      Change Request Reason
TASK.NUMBER1    Number of Widgets Required
RESOURCE.DATE1  Significant Date

In the source above, the first thing we're retrieving from each CustomField instance is the FieldType, which identifies the field we're configuring. The values we retrieve here will be from one of the enumerations we've touched on previously in this section, for example TaskField, ResourceField and so on.

The next thing we're doing in our sample code is to create a representation of the parent type to which this field belongs, followed by the name of the field itself (this is what's providing us with the value TASK.TEXT1 for example). Finally we're displaying the alias which has been set by the user for this field.

It's important to note that for schedules from Microsoft Project, there won't necessarily be a CustomField entry for all of the custom fields in use in a schedule. For example, if a user has added values to the "Text 1" field for each of the tasks in their schedule, but have not configured Text 1 in some way (for example by setting an alias or adding a lookup table) there won't be an entry for "Text 1" in the CustomFieldContainer.

As well as iterating through the collection of CustomField instances for the current schedule, you can directly request the CustomField instance for a specific field, as shown below:

CustomField fieldConfiguration = container.get(TaskField.TEXT1);

One common use-case for the configuration data help in CustomFieldContainer is to locate particular information you are expecting to find in the schedule. For example, let's say that you know that the schedule you're reading should have a field on each task which users have named "Number of Widgets Required", and you want to read that data. You can determine which field you need by using a method call similar to the one shown below:

FieldType fieldType = container.getFieldTypeByAlias(
   "Number of Widgets Required");

Note that the first argument we need to pass identifies which parent entity we're expecting to find the field in. The CustomFieldContainer will have entries from all field containers (tasks, resources, resource assignments and so on) so this is used to locate the correct one - particularly useful if, for example, a task and a resource might both have a field with the same alias! Remember: this method will return null if we don't have a field with the alias you've provided.

Once we have the FieldType of the field we're looking for, we can use this to retrieve the value using the get method as we've seen earlier in this section:

Task task = file.getTaskByID(Integer.valueOf(1));
Object value = task.get(fieldType);

Finally, there are a couple of convenience methods to make retrieving a field by its alias easier. The first is that each "container" class for the various entities also provides a getFieldTypeByAlias method. If you know ahead of time you're looking for a field in a particular entity, this will simplify your code somewhat. The example below illustrates this: as we're looking for a task field we can go straight to the TaskContainer and ask for the field with the alias we're looking for:

fieldType = file.getTasks().getFieldTypeByAlias("Number of Widgets Required");

Lastly, you can actually retrieve the value of a field directly from the parent entity using its alias, as shown below:

value = task.getFieldByAlias("Number of Widgets Required");

This is not recommended where you are iterating across multiple tasks to retrieve values: it's more efficient to look up the FieldType once before you start, then use that to retrieve the value you are interested in from each task.

Populated Fields

So far we've touched on how to can read and write fields in examples where we are targeting specific fields. If we're reading a schedule whose contents are unknown to us, how can we tell which fields are actually populated? A typical use-case for this might be where we need to read a schedule, then present the user with the ability to select the columns they'd like to see in a tabular display of the schedule contents. If you look at the various enumerations we have mentioned previously in this section (TaskField, ResourceField and so on) you can see that there are a large number of possible fields a user could choose from, so ideally we only want to show a user fields which actually contain non-default values.

To solve this problem we need to use the appropriate getPopulatedFields method for each of the entities we're interested in.

ProjectFile file = new UniversalProjectReader().read("example.mpp");

Set<ProjectField> projectFields = file.getProjectProperties().getPopulatedFields();
Set<TaskField> taskFields = file.getTasks().getPopulatedFields();
Set<ResourceField> resourceFields = file.getResources().getPopulatedFields();
Set<AssignmentField> assignmentFields = file.getResourceAssignments().getPopulatedFields();

In the example above we're opening a sample file, then for each of the main classes which implement the FieldContainer interface, we'll query the container which holds those classes and call its getPopulatedFields method. In each case this will return a Set containing the enumeration values representing fields which have non-default values.

If you need to you can retrieve all of this information in one go:

ProjectFile file = new UniversalProjectReader().read("example.mpp");

Set<FieldType> allFields = file.getPopulatedFields();

The set returned by the project's getPopulatedFields will contain all the populated fields from all entities which implement the FieldContainer interface. You'll need to remember to look at the FieldTypeClass value of each field in the resulting set to determine which entity the field belongs to. The following section provides more detail on this.

User Defined Fields

In an earlier section we touched briefly on how Microsoft Project uses a fixed set of "custom fields" to allow you to store arbitrary data as part of the schedule. A more common approach in other applications is to allow you to create your own fields to represent the data you need to store - that way you can have exactly the fields you need, without needing to worry if you can fit your data into the fixed set of custom fields. In fact Microsoft Project also supports this concept, in the form of Enterprise Custom Fields, although these are only available if you are working with a schedule hosted in Project Server (Project 365).

As you can imagine MPXJ can't provide dedicated getter and setter methods for these fields as it doesn't know ahead of time what they are - they're user defined! Instead we rely on the get and set methods to work with these fields.

When a schedule is read by MPXJ, each user defined field is represented internally by an instance of the UserDefinedField class. This class implements the FieldType interface, and so can be used with the get and set methods to read and write these values.

You can see which user defined fields exist in a project using code similar to the example below:

for (UserDefinedField field : project.getUserDefinedFields())
    System.out.println("name(): " +;
    System.out.println("getName(): " + field.getName());
    System.out.println("getFieldTypeClass(): " + field.getFieldTypeClass());
    System.out.println("getDataType():" + field.getDataType());         

As well as using the getUserDefinedFields method on the project to see which fields are defined, the getPopulatedFields methods discussed in an earlier section will also return UserDefinedField instances if these fields have values in the schedule. Information about UserDefinedField instances is also available in the CustomFieldContainer. This means that when you read a schedule and you are expecting certain user defined fields to be present, you can use the getFieldTypeByAlias or getFieldByAlias methods to find the fields you are interested in by name, as described in an earlier section.

If you import schedules data from an application which supports user defined fields and export to a Microsoft Project file format (MPX or MSPDI), MPXJ will automatically map any user defined fields to unused custom fields. Note that as there are only a finite number of custom field available, it is possible that not all user defined fields will be available when the resulting file is opened in Microsoft Project.